Kristu Jyoti Publications in an organ of Kristu Jyoti College which manages its publications.
Although the beginnings of Kristu Jyoti Publications may be traced back to the year 1977 with
the publication of Fr. Thomas Pazhayampallil's Pastoral Guide: Moral, Canonical, Liturgical.
Its formal setting up under a publications commission with its own Director was realised only in September 1984.
However the subsequent years witnessed a spurt in its activities and today it has to its credit eighty
publications of Pastoral, Theological, Catechetical, Historical and Salesian nature. (Cf. Annexe Catalogue enclosed)
Kristu Jyoti Journal, the Youth Pastoral, Theological and Catechetical Quartely began in 1984 is
also published under the auspices of the Kristu Jyoti Publications. This journal has about 600
subscribers and has exchange programmes with 65 Indian and foreign reviews, journals and periodicals.
The contributors to this journal dealing with Pastoral, Catechetical and Theological issues of
immediate concern to the Indian Church, represent a broad spectrum of the Indian theological scene.
The Salesian Documentaion Centre forms a part of Kristu Jyoti Publications and publishes a
magazine begun in 1981 aims to build up communication among the Salesians of the English-speaking provinces,
especially of Asia. This centre also publishes books dealing with
specifically Salesian topics.
The general interest in the ever increasing activities of Kristu Jyoti Publications augurs well for the future.