The illustrious decade of Pope Francis’ papacy was conjured-up in a two-day seminar
with the theme “A Decade of Legacy: Pope Francis Vision of the Church,'' at Kristu Jyoti
Theological College, Bengaluru, on 26 th & 27 th September 2023. Beginning with novices of (UMI) the Ursulines of Mary Immaculate and of Saint Annes of Bangalore, Consecrated
sisters and brothers of neighbouring institutions, the students of the theological college
plunged deep with five well-researched talks and emerged as protagonists of the renewed
vision of the pilgrim Church as envisaged and lived by the Supreme Pontiff Francis for a
At the very inception of the grace-filled event, the august gathering was welcomed by
Rev Dr. Shabu Thottumkal SDB, the Principal of Kristu Jyoti College. Rt. Rev. Dr. Tony
Neelankavil D.D, Auxiliary Bishop of Thrissur-Kerala, in his inaugural keynote address
ushered the participants to Pope Francis’ vision of the Church. The Church is not some kind
of a dead-horse that needs to be whipped-up to life. Instead, it is a living and dynamic divine
reality. The ever mesmerising facet of Pope Francis, with sleeves rolled up is in the thick of
the action. He does not stay aloof from realities that weigh down humanity. He drew his
keynote address to a close by inviting the listeners “To enlarge the space of your tent and let
the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back, lengthen your cords and
strengthen your stakes” (Is 54:2).
Rev. Dr. Mahimai Dass in the first talk gave voice to the “Historical evolution of
Ecclesiology till the Papacy of Pope Francis.” Being an expert chronicler of Church History,
he took the congregation through an adventurous journey of two thousand years of the history
of the Church and situating central themes from the history to the present context of the
226 th Pope Francis.
“The People’s Church: The Ecclesial Vision of Pope Francis,” was presented by Rev.
Dr. Lourdsamy. Very rightly he cited distinguishing characteristic traits of Ecclesiology of
Pope Francis, which is a further reflection of the Second Vatican Council, namely: (1)
listening and dialogue, (2) Personal involvement and (3) an engagement in the lives of the
A six-speaker panel set aside to deliberate about teachings, role and the journey of
Pope Francis. Each of the six panellists shared their valuable insights and findings on Pope
Francis. Rev. Dr. Seby Kidangan SDB presented on the “Canonical Reforms of Pope
Francis” wherein he underscored the various canonical changes made by Pope Francis with
but one focus to elicit the motherhood of the Church. Norms are but guiding principles and
not that of a policeman waiting to reprimand or condemn.
Sr. Mary Pavitra SJT verbalized the theme: “Pope Francis: A Global Model of
Leadership.” She enlisted the significant traits of Pope Francis as being the Servant Leader,
his love for the migrants, nobility in washing the feet of the prisoners, having the smell of the
sheep and reminding that Church is of the poor and for the poor.
“Identity and Belonging: Church’s Encounter with Young People” was dispensed by
Fr. Cyrus Kattungal Thayyil. In his presentation Fr Cyrus reiterated that before we talk to
young people we need to talk with young people. The youth ministry of the Church needs to
move from a programme-centered to the person-centered approach. The ministers need to
make the youth ministry a kerygma-with focus on God-Experience which is different from
mere entertainment.
A “Shift from Ecological Awareness to Biophilia” was vocalized by Dn. Gangmei
Samuel SDB. Ecological awareness of Pope Francis, a movement towards integral ecology
keeping in mind the sacredness and interconnectedness of all life was put-forth before the
Fr. Manuel D’Silva brought out “Liturgical Implications of Magisterium of Pope
Francis.” Having cited examples, he rightly stressed the need for a more inclusive approach
as seen in the Magisterium of Pope Francis and a greater embrace of the Liturgical reform
indicated by the Second Vatican Council.
An enriching interactive session closely followed the six speakers and their
presentation. The floor was open and the participants were able to clarify doubts and put forth
their questions. The first day of the seminar ended with the singing of the National Anthem.
The following day’s programme began with a prayer moment. In the previous day, the
talks and presentations were focussed more on history and doctrine while on the second day
more focus was on the praxis, the ministry.
“Re-vitalising the Catholic Mission: Pope Francis and Evangelisation,” was delivered
by Rev. Dr. Antony Lawrence. In his sharing, he highlighted three different points, namely:
(1) the basic attitude of Pope Francis on Evangelisation, (2) Evangelisation in the Indian
context and (3) the different paradigms of Pope Francis’s mission and Evangelisation.
Dr. A. Pushparajan put into words the theme, “Journeying Together: Pope Francis’
Ecumenical Initiatives.” The key emphasis of his paper was on the need to harken the plea of
Pope Francis. “We must work together: the people, the bishops and the Pope.” Dr
Pushparajan opined that Pope Francis leads a distinctively ecumenical papacy wherein Pope
Francis is implementing the import of Synodality within the Church, ecumenical communion
and between different faiths.
“Embracing the Gifts of Women – Pope Francis’ Vision of An Inclusive
Church,” was voiced out by Sr. Bincy George DPMT. In her presentation, Sr. Bincy brought
to the fore Pope Francis’ new vision for the equal dignity of women and men in the Church.
She skilfully cited examples of how the Pope walks the talk of women equality through
inclusive Church. She scholarly summarised the various efforts of Pope Francis. She round
off with: “We, the women and men of the church, we are in the middle of a love story: each
of us is a link in this chain of love. And if we do not understand this, we have understood
nothing of what the Church is.”
The grand finale, the most exciting moments of the second day was the Mega quiz
competition on Pope Francis. Students from every department of Philosophy, Theology,
Diploma in Youth ministry and Catechetics and Masters of Theology and novices of the Saint
Annes and (UMI) Ursulines of Mary Immaculate sisters formed part of the sixteen teams that
contested. The winners were awarded with the most attractive prices. Towards the close of
the seminar, a synthesis of the two days programme was highlighted by Rev. Dr. Sunil Jose
SDB. A vote of thanks proposed by Deacon Thomas SDB and the two day seminar was
brought to a close with a hymn to the Vicar of Christ imploring God’s grace and guidance on
the Holy Father Pope Francis.
Report by
Sr Joyly FMA