consists of three-week-long courses:

Date: May 06 - May 11, 2019
Fee: Rs. 3,500
Resource Person: Fr. David Maria Selvam SDB, Vis. Com

  • Youth ministry
  • group building and teamwork skills
  • decision-making
  • problem-solving
  • creativity skills
  • planning skills
  • conflict-management skills
  • counselling skills
  • spiritual skills
  • communication skills
  • leisure time activities

Date: May 13 - May 18, 2019
Fee: Rs. 4,000
Resource Persons: Fr. Joe Mannath SDB, Ph.D & Fr. Jose Kuttianimattathil SDB, Th.D.

    Self-care is essential for our happiness and for being effective care-givers. This course gives practical tips on self-care in five areas, namely:
  • Body: Areas to watch - food, exercise, hygiene, rest and medication;
  • Mind: The incredible potential of the human mind; how to cultivate a superpower memory; multiple intelligence;
  • Emotions: Simple ways to increase our happiness; how to manage 'negative emotions' (anger, jealousy, fear, sadness); healthy integration of sexual feelings; when not to take decisions;
  • Relationships: Relationships as the key factor in happiness and health; four things to do; three things to avoid;
  • Inner journey: The role of positive core beliefs; Jesus as model and norm; a cancer patient's secret of happiness.

Date: May 20 - May 25, 2019
Fee: Rs. 4,000
Resource Persons: Fr. Thomas Varkey SDB, Ph.D. & Sr. Molly Varghese SDP, DMRT

This programme aims at healing negative emotions, negative thoughts, and dysfunctional behaviour caused by painful events of life from childhood up to the present. Through an innovative and simple process, each participant is individually helped to arrive at greater integration and wholeness.