8 June 2024, Bangalore (Saturday): The sun ascended, casting its golden brushstrokes across the sky, as Kristu Jyoti College unfurled its wings into the dawn of the new academic year, 2024-2025. The air was charged with anticipation as faculty, students, and dignitaries gathered to celebrate the institution’s rich heritage and embrace the promise of the future.

At 9:00 AM, the college community assembled for a solemn Holy Mass of the Holy Spirit presided over by Rev. Fr. Jose Koyickal SDB, the Provincial of Bangalore. He emphasized that theology should help us to become better individuals and that seeking the Holy Spirit's assistance is crucial to comprehend our studies fully. The ritual invoked blessings on the academic journey ahead, emphasizing the intertwining of faith and knowledge. After the Mass, attendees mingled during a brief coffee break, engaging in conversations filled with excitement, nostalgia, and eagerness.

The inaugural programme started at 10:30 AM with a graceful prayer dance by Sr. Anupama Tete and her team, followed by the symbolic lighting of the lamp by dignitaries and a student representative, representing enlightenment, knowledge, and the pursuit of truth. Rev. Fr. Shabu Joseph SDB, the outgoing Principal, welcomed the Chief Guest, Hon’ble Justice N. Santosh Hegde, the former judge of the Supreme Court of India, and the esteemed guests, acknowledging their pivotal roles in shaping the College’s legacy. After presenting a comprehensive report of the College, he handed over the Statutes of the College – a bridge between the past and the future – to Rev. Fr. Sivy Koroth SDB, the new Principal. The legacy of Kristu Jyoti College flowed seamlessly like a torch being passed from one runner to another. In his presidential address, Rev. Fr Jose Koyickal thanked Fr Shabu Joseph for his outstanding seven years of service as Principal and wished Fr Sivy Koroth the very best as he assumed the position of the new Principal. Furthermore, he emphasized that those who engage in their theological studies with dedication will notice a profound effect on their priestly and religious lives. His words echoed through the hallowed halls, inspiring hearts.

Rev. Fr. Bosco Ponthokkan, Rector of KJC, in his message explored the essence of theology. He urged students to move beyond theoretical knowledge and to embrace “doing theology.” He reminded them that faith must find expression in action. Rev. Fr. Alex Kalathikattil SDB, Rector of Visvadeep, reminded us to prioritize important things over less important ones. He encouraged us to focus on what is potent rather than impotent and to strive to become the kind of people that God wants us to be.

In his inspiring keynote address, Hon’ble Justice N. Santosh Hegde, an embodiment of integrity, captivated the audience with heartfelt personal anecdotes about how he stood against the current of corruption. He highlighted the damaging influence of power and greed for money in our country. His unwavering dedication to justice, never accepting bribes, made a lasting impression on the audience. As the event came to an end, Justice Hegde's words resonated: "It is up to us to choose a better world."

Dn Arokia Berdouil SDB expressed gratitude on behalf of the College community, acknowledging everyone's contributions and setting the tone for continued collaboration. The program concluded with a hymn dedicated to Don Bosco, reminding everyone of the College's roots and the enduring spirit of service.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Kristu Jyoti College stood poised for greatness. The torchbearers of knowledge and compassion would carry on the legacy, guided by the luminous lamp and the echoes of wisdom.

Br Isaiah Newme SDB