With hope and optimism, the Kristu Jyoti College held the inauguration of the new academic year 2021-22 on June 14, 2021.
On this auspicious occasion,the solemn Holy Eucharistwas celebrated in the morning at 9:00 o'clockin the college chapel which
was presided over by Rev.Fr. Jose Koyical SDB, the Provincial of the Salesian Province of Bangalore.In his homily,
heexhorted the staff and the studentsto continue to be faithful in their call and to grow in the overall formation,
especiallythe intellectual formation. A few of the students of the neighbouring communitiesalong with the resident
students were present for the meaningful celebration of the Holy Eucharist. There was also online streaming
facilityfor those who were not able to attend the Holy Mass physically.
The academic session of the inaugural function began in the KJC auditorium at 10:30 AM.
The programme began with a prayer dance, by the students fromSnehalaya.Rev. Fr. Jose Koyikal SDB,
Dr.K. Mathai from Karnataka Administrative Service, Fr. James Kadankavil, the rector of KJC,
Fr. ShabuJoseph ThottumkalSDB the principal of KJC, Fr. Alex Kalathikatilthe rector of Visvadeep,
Fr. Anthony MahimaiDassthe register of KJC graced the occasionas guests of honour.
They were welcomed and honoured after the prayer dance.
The honourable dignitaries inaugurated the new academic year 2021-22 by lighting the lampwhich
signified God's goodness, enlightenment and His presence.
Fr. ShabuJoseph ThottumkalSDB the principal of KJC, presented the annual report of the college for the year 2020-2021.
The presidential address was delivered by Rev.Fr. Jose Koyical SDB the Provincial. He appreciated the hard work
and the strenuous effortsfrom the part of both faculty and the students. However, hecalled onto be earnest in
the journey of intellectual and spiritual formation. Fr James Kadankavilthe Rector of KJC, delivered a massage
calling on to develop a quest for wisdom and knowledge by the daily reading of the Sacred Scripture.
Fr. Alex KalathikatilSDB emphasised in his speech about the importance of serious study and love for
wisdom and knowledge during the life in the seminary. Dr. K Mathai shared his personal encounter of religious
experience and his viewson what theworld expects from the religious leaders.
The archdeacon Chandra Mohan SDBexpressed his words of gratitude to all dignitaries and the students who were
present for the programme and who were instrumental in the smooth running of the event.
The whole academic session was ably conducted by Br. Jithin Simon OSH of the II-year BTh.
Finally, the programme ended with a hymn to Don Bosco.
News by,
Br. K. HrudayarajSDB